Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
Arya 42 Hausboot
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Arya 42 Hausboot

1 Stunde — 1 500 AED
Mindestens 2 Stunden (3 000 AED) 5 % Mehrwertsteuer zuzüglich
icon Diese Yacht jetzt besichtigen: 6 menschen
10 Gäste
Ergänzende Erfrischungsgetränke
Komplementäres Wasser
Komplementäre Handtücher

Yachtvermietung in Dubai

Willkommen an Bord der Arya Yacht - der perfekte Ort für Ihre luxuriöse Pause auf See. Die Kombination aus elegantem Design, Komfort und Funktionalität macht Arya zu einer einzigartigen Wahl für das Reisen mit Wasser. Das Aussehen der Arya -Yacht ist auf den ersten Blick beeindruckend. Es hat anmutige Linien und anspruchsvolles Farbschema, das ihm ein schickes und

Aktuelle Kundenrezensionen

Sie können nach einem Yachtausflug per E-Mail eine Bewertung abgeben. Sie erhalten eine E-Mail mit einem Bewertungsformular.
Was gefiel den Gästen, die diese Yacht gemietet haben?
Veronika Nazarova
Rezension bestätigt
Aug - 2023
My family and I spent an unforgettable vacation on the yacht “Arya". From the very beginning it was clear that everything was thought
Ruslan Nikiforov
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Apr - 2023
I can safely recommend the yacht ”Arya" to anyone who wants to spend an unforgettable trip. Comfortable cabins, delicious food, friendly
Miroslava Fedorova
Rezension bestätigt
Jun - 2023
Our impressions of traveling on the Arya yacht are simply incredible! My husband and I decided to make this wonderful cruise on Arya,
Alex Nikonov
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Mar - 2023
Arya is the perfect place for parties. We organized several events here and all our guests were delighted. The yacht is very spacious,
Vera Novikova
Rezension bestätigt
Jun - 2023
We spent an unforgettable weekend on the Arya yacht with friends. Everyone was delighted with the interior and atmosphere. Entertainment
Maksim Medvedev
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Apr - 2023
My half and I decided to celebrate our anniversary on a yacht and chose Arya. It was simply unforgettable! The interior and atmosphere
Maksim Ustinov
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Jun - 2023
We were on a yacht with friends and it was one of the most vivid impressions in our life. The interior of the yacht was very stylish
Konstantin Kravtsov
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Aug - 2023
I had an important meeting on the Arya yacht and was very pleased with the result. The interior and atmosphere were ideal for such
Alekasndra Klimova
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Jun - 2023
My husband and I took our children on the Arya yacht and they were delighted! Entertainment on the yacht was varied and interesting
Anastasia Pavlova
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Jun- 2023
We had a bachelorette party on the Arya yacht and it was the best holiday of our life! The interior and atmosphere were just perfect
Artem Astakhov
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Jul - 2023
We had a bachelor party on the Arya yacht, and it was just amazing! The interior of the yacht was stylish and masculine, and the atmosphere
Dmitriy Tikhomirov
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Jul - 2023
I visited the Arya yacht as part of my blog and was simply amazed by its beauty and luxury. The interior and atmosphere create a unique
Max Firsov
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May- 2023
I recently visited the yacht Arya and it was just an amazing trip! The interior of the yacht was made in a modern style, but with elements
Alim Akimov
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Apr - 2023
I have been living in Dubai for several years, and during this time I have managed to visit many different places, but the Arya yacht
Makar Smirnov
Rezension bestätigt
Jun - 2023
I came to Dubai for the first time and immediately fell in love with this city! The Arya yacht was my first impression of the city,

Beliebte Routen

Route Nr. 1

3 Stunden ohne Schwimmen und Wasseraktivitäten

Route Nr. 2

4 Stunden mit Schwimmen und Wasseraktivitäten

Route Nr. 3

7 Stunden

Ruter 1
Ruter 2
Ruter 3
Preise und Bedingungen
1 Stunde — 1 500 AED
Mindestens 2 Stunden (3 000 AED) 5 % Mehrwertsteuer zuzüglich
1 Std.
maximal 7 Tage
1 500 AED
alle Preise zzgl. 5% MwSt.
2 Stunden
3 000 AED
alle Preise zzgl. 5% MwSt.
24 Stunden
36 000 AED
alle Preise zzgl. 5% MwSt.
Optionen wählen
Preis 0 AED
Rabatt -0% - 0 AED
Gesamtkosten 3 000 AED
icon Diese Yacht jetzt besichtigen: 7 menschen
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