Whatsapp The best motor yachts in Dubai - hourly yacht charter
Princess 72 Amotea 1
Princess 72 Amotea 2
Princess 72 Amotea 3
Princess 72 Amotea 4
Princess 72 Amotea 5
Princess 72 Amotea 6
Princess 72 Amotea 7
Princess 72 Amotea 8
Princess 72 Amotea 9
Princess 72 Amotea 10
Princess 72 Amotea 11
Princess 72 Amotea 12
Princess 72 Amotea 13
Princess 72 Amotea 14
Princess 72 Amotea 15
Princess 72 Amotea 1
Princess 72 Amotea 2
Princess 72 Amotea 3
Princess 72 Amotea 4
Princess 72 Amotea 5
Princess 72 Amotea 6
Princess 72 Amotea 7
Princess 72 Amotea 8
Princess 72 Amotea 9
Princess 72 Amotea 10
Princess 72 Amotea 11
Princess 72 Amotea 12
Princess 72 Amotea 13
Princess 72 Amotea 14
Princess 72 Amotea 15
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Princess 72 Amotea

1 heure

1 500 AED
Min 3 heures

TVA exclue de 5%

invités Ce yacht visible maintenant : 7 personnes
invités 30 invités

Capacité du yacht

Boisson Boisson

Boissons gazeuses complémentaires

Eau Eau

Eau complémentaire

Les serviettes Les serviettes

Serviettes complémentaires

Location de yacht à Dubaï

Amotea Princess est un yacht luxueux qui vous permettra de profiter d'un confort sophistiqué pendant votre natation. Combinant l'élégance et les fonctionnalités, ce yacht offre la combinaison parfaite de divertissement, de relaxation et d'espace. Le pont de l'Amotea Princess Yacht propose des zones spacieuses pour la détente et les divertissements. Vous pouvez profiter

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Avis clients récents

Vous pouvez laisser un avis après un voyage en yacht par e-mail. Vous recevrez un e-mail avec un formulaire d'évaluation.

Qu’ont apprécié les invités qui ont loué ce yacht ?

Nikolay Andrianov

Jun - 2023

Avis vérifié

Recently, my family and I spent an unforgettable weekend on the yacht Amotea. The capacity of the yacht is 30 people, and

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Kirill Zotov

Jul - 2023

Avis vérifié

I recently spent a vacation on the yacht Amotea, and it was one of the most vivid impressions in my life! The Amotea yacht

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Emilia Larina

Jun - 2023

Avis vérifié

I also recently vacationed on the yacht Amotea and was very pleased with my choice. The yacht offers a high level of comfort

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Andrey Timer

Feb - 2023

Avis vérifié

Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable vacation on the yacht Amotea. I definitely recommend Amotea to anyone

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Eva Koxhevnikova

Mar - 2023

Avis vérifié

My vacation on the yacht Amotea was just amazing! I was impressed by the high level of service, professional management and

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Maria Kiseleva

Apr - 2023

Avis vérifié

I had a rest on the yacht Amotea - I got a lot of impressions! I recommend it to anyone who appreciates comfort, safety and

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Roman Davydov

May - 2023

Avis vérifié

I recently vacationed on the yacht Amotea and had a lot of fun. I really liked the level of service, the comfort of the yacht

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Uliana Egorova

Jun - 2023

Avis vérifié

Amotea yacht is an ideal place for those who want to enjoy luxury and comfort against the backdrop of stunning seascapes.

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Veronika Kosheleva

Jul - 2023

Avis vérifié

A great vacation on the yacht Amotea! My friends and I spent an unforgettable vacation traveling by sea on this beautiful

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Gleb Volkov

May - 2023

Avis vérifié

I recently returned from a trip on the yacht Amotea and would like to share my impressions. The team of professionals was

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Aleksandr Fetisov

May - 2023

Avis vérifié

Recently returned from an unforgettable vacation on the yacht Amotea and we want to share our impressions. Everything was

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Roman Kulagin

Aug - 2023

Avis vérifié

Vacationed on the yacht Amotea last month. The yacht is clean, well-groomed, it is clear that it is monitored and regularly

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Stefania Zvereva

Jun - 2023

Avis vérifié

Another short review on a yacht vacation: Amotea yacht is a great choice for those who want to spend an unforgettable vacation

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Ilya Balashov

Feb - 2023

Avis vérifié

Recently, my friends and I were vacationing on the yacht Amotea. Everything was just wonderful - the yacht is very comfortable,

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Emmy Grand

May - 2023

Avis vérifié

Recently, my friends and I spent a great vacation on the yacht Amotea. The yacht is simply magnificent, clean and well maintained,

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Itinéraires populaires

Itinéraire n°1

3 heures sans baignade et activités nautiques

Itinéraire n°2

4 heures avec baignade et activités nautiques

Itinéraire n°3

7 heures

Itinéraires 1
Itinéraires 2
Itinéraires 3

Prix ​​et conditions

1 heure

1 500 AED
Min 3 heures

TVA exclue de 5%

3 heures

4 500 AED

24 heures

36 000 AED

invités Ce yacht visible maintenant : 5 personnes

Itinéraires populaires

Itinéraire #1

3 heures sans baignade et activités nautiques

Itinéraire #2

4 heures avec baignade et activités nautiques

Itinéraire #3

7 heures

Itinéraires 1
Itinéraires 2
Itinéraires 3
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