Whatsapp The best motor yachts in Dubai - hourly yacht charter
Arya 42 House Boat 1
Arya 42 House Boat 2
Arya 42 House Boat 3
Arya 42 House Boat 4
Arya 42 House Boat 5
Arya 42 House Boat 6
Arya 42 House Boat 7
Arya 42 House Boat 8
Arya 42 House Boat 9
Arya 42 House Boat 1
Arya 42 House Boat 2
Arya 42 House Boat 3
Arya 42 House Boat 4
Arya 42 House Boat 5
Arya 42 House Boat 6
Arya 42 House Boat 7
Arya 42 House Boat 8
Arya 42 House Boat 9
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Arya 42 House Boat

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 2 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 6 persone
ospiti 10 ospiti

Capacità dello yacht

Bevande Bevande

Bevande analcoliche complementari

Acqua Acqua

Acqua complementare

Asciugamani Asciugamani

Asciugamani complementari

Noleggio yacht a Dubai

Benvenuti a bordo dell'Arya Yacht - Il luogo perfetto per il tuo lussuoso riposo in mare. La combinazione di eleganti design, comfort e funzionalità rende Arya una scelta unica per viaggiare in acqua. L'aspetto dello yacht Arya è impressionante a prima vista. Ha linee aggraziate e una combinazione di colori sofisticata, che gli conferisce un aspetto chic e attraente.

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Recensioni recenti dei clienti

Puoi lasciare una recensione dopo un viaggio in yacht via e-mail. Riceverai un'e-mail con un modulo di revisione.

Cosa è piaciuto agli ospiti che hanno noleggiato questo yacht?

Veronika Nazarova

Aug - 2023

Recensione verificata

My family and I spent an unforgettable vacation on the yacht “Arya". From the very beginning it was clear that everything

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Ruslan Nikiforov

Apr - 2023

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I can safely recommend the yacht ”Arya" to anyone who wants to spend an unforgettable trip. Comfortable cabins, delicious

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Miroslava Fedorova

Jun - 2023

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Our impressions of traveling on the Arya yacht are simply incredible! My husband and I decided to make this wonderful cruise

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Alex Nikonov

Mar - 2023

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Arya is the perfect place for parties. We organized several events here and all our guests were delighted. The yacht is very

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Vera Novikova

Jun - 2023

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We spent an unforgettable weekend on the Arya yacht with friends. Everyone was delighted with the interior and atmosphere.

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Maksim Medvedev

Apr - 2023

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My half and I decided to celebrate our anniversary on a yacht and chose Arya. It was simply unforgettable! The interior and

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Maksim Ustinov

Jun - 2023

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We were on a yacht with friends and it was one of the most vivid impressions in our life. The interior of the yacht was very

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Konstantin Kravtsov

Aug - 2023

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I had an important meeting on the Arya yacht and was very pleased with the result. The interior and atmosphere were ideal

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Alekasndra Klimova

Jun - 2023

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My husband and I took our children on the Arya yacht and they were delighted! Entertainment on the yacht was varied and interesting

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Anastasia Pavlova

Jun- 2023

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We had a bachelorette party on the Arya yacht and it was the best holiday of our life! The interior and atmosphere were just

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Artem Astakhov

Jul - 2023

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We had a bachelor party on the Arya yacht, and it was just amazing! The interior of the yacht was stylish and masculine,

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Dmitriy Tikhomirov

Jul - 2023

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I visited the Arya yacht as part of my blog and was simply amazed by its beauty and luxury. The interior and atmosphere create

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Max Firsov

May- 2023

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I recently visited the yacht Arya and it was just an amazing trip! The interior of the yacht was made in a modern style,

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Alim Akimov

Apr - 2023

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I have been living in Dubai for several years, and during this time I have managed to visit many different places, but the

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Makar Smirnov

Jun - 2023

Recensione verificata

I came to Dubai for the first time and immediately fell in love with this city! The Arya yacht was my first impression of

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Percorsi popolari

Itinerario n.1

3 ore senza nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.2

4 ore con nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.3

7 ore

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3

Prezzi e condizioni

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 2 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

2 ore

3 000 AED

24 ore

36 000 AED

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 11 persone

Popular routes

Route #1

3 hours without swimming and water activities

Route #2

4 hours with swimming and water activities

Route #3

7 hours

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3
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