Whatsapp The best motor yachts in Dubai - hourly yacht charter
Benetti 164 Codice 8 1
Benetti 164 Codice 8 2
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Benetti 164 Codice 8 1
Benetti 164 Codice 8 2
Benetti 164 Codice 8 3
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Benetti 164 Codice 8 6
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Benetti 164 Codice 8 8
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Benetti 164 Codice 8 10
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Benetti 164 Codice 8

1 ora

16 000 AED
Min 3 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 13 persone
ospiti 50 ospiti

Capacità dello yacht

Bevande Bevande

Bevande analcoliche complementari

Acqua Acqua

Acqua complementare

Asciugamani Asciugamani

Asciugamani complementari

Ghiaccio Ghiaccio

Ghiaccio complementare

Frutta Frutta

Frutti complementari

Spuntini Spuntini

Snack complementari

Noleggio yacht a Dubai

Il codice 8 è un elegante superchal del produttore italiano Benetti, progettato per lussuosi rilassamenti e viaggi. Ha un alto livello di comfort e uno squisito interior design, creando un'atmosfera unica di lusso e stile. Comfort: il codice 8 offre ai suoi ospiti spaziosi e confortevoli cabine dotate di tutto il rilassamento, tra cui letti comodi, mobili moderni ed elettrodomestici.

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Anno di costruzione:
Anno di ristrutturazione:
18 nodi
Wi-Fi Aria condizionata TV satellitare Impianto musicale Attrezzatura per barbecue Attrezzatura per la pesca Cucina
1 maestro, 3 doppio, 2 gemelli

Recensioni recenti dei clienti

Puoi lasciare una recensione dopo un viaggio in yacht via e-mail. Riceverai un'e-mail con un modulo di revisione.

Cosa è piaciuto agli ospiti che hanno noleggiato questo yacht?

Emilia Drozdova

Jan - 2023

Recensione verificata

My husband and I decided to spend our honeymoon on a cruise around Dubai on the yacht Code 8. The interior of the yacht is

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Denis Klimov

Sep - 2023

Recensione verificata

Our company decided to hold a corporate event on the yacht Code 8 in Dubai. The atmosphere was just perfect for the event,

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Igor Balashov

May- 2023

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My friends and I decided to spend the weekend in Dubai and rented a Code 8 yacht for this time. The atmosphere on the yacht

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George Knyazev

Apr - 2023

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My girlfriend and I decided to surprise each other and spend a romantic weekend on the Code 8 yacht in Dubai. The interior

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Ksenia Andreevna

Jun - 2023

Recensione verificata

My friends and I went on a cruise on the Danube on the yacht Code 8. The atmosphere was cheerful and lively, and the entertainment

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Andrey Sokolov

Oct -2023

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I was holding a business meeting on the Code 8 yacht in Dubai. The atmosphere on the yacht promoted productive communication,

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Mikhail Sidorov

Feb- 2023

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My wife and children and I decided to spend a vacation in Dubai on the yacht Code 8. The children were delighted with the

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Ekaterina Astakhova

Jun - 2023

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I organized a bachelorette party for my friends on the Code 8 yacht in Dubai. The atmosphere of the holiday was cheerful

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Roman Alyoshin

Mar - 2023

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My friends and I rented a Code 8 yacht for a bachelor party. The atmosphere of the holiday was very cheerful and friendly,

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Alexander Osipov

Sep - 2023

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As a blogger, I am always looking for new interesting places for my travels. The Code 8 yacht has become one of such places.

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Artem Novikov

Oct - 2023

Recensione verificata

I often visit Dubai and use the services of yachts. The Code 8 yacht is one of my favorites. The atmosphere here is always

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Arseniy Burov

Feb- 2023

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I was on vacation in Dubai recently and decided to rent a Code 8 yacht for a vacation. The atmosphere on the yacht was very

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Gleb Belyaev

May- 2023

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We recently rented a Code 8 yacht for our party. The atmosphere was amazing and all the guests were delighted. Entertainment

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Milana Salnikova

Jun - 2023

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We rented a Code 8 yacht for our wedding celebration. The atmosphere was romantic and lovely, and the entertainment was perfect

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Daria Kozlova

Jul - 2023

Recensione verificata

I recently rented a Code 8 yacht to celebrate my birthday. The atmosphere was festive and the entertainment was fun. The

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Percorsi popolari

Itinerario n.1

3 ore senza nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.2

4 ore con nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.3

7 ore

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3

Prezzi e condizioni

1 ora

16 000 AED
Min 3 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

3 ore

48 000 AED

24 ore

384 000 AED

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 8 persone

Popular routes

Route #1

3 hours without swimming and water activities

Route #2

4 hours with swimming and water activities

Route #3

7 hours

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3
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