Whatsapp The best motor yachts in Dubai - hourly yacht charter
Princess 72 Amotea 1
Princess 72 Amotea 2
Princess 72 Amotea 3
Princess 72 Amotea 4
Princess 72 Amotea 5
Princess 72 Amotea 6
Princess 72 Amotea 7
Princess 72 Amotea 8
Princess 72 Amotea 9
Princess 72 Amotea 10
Princess 72 Amotea 11
Princess 72 Amotea 12
Princess 72 Amotea 13
Princess 72 Amotea 14
Princess 72 Amotea 15
Princess 72 Amotea 1
Princess 72 Amotea 2
Princess 72 Amotea 3
Princess 72 Amotea 4
Princess 72 Amotea 5
Princess 72 Amotea 6
Princess 72 Amotea 7
Princess 72 Amotea 8
Princess 72 Amotea 9
Princess 72 Amotea 10
Princess 72 Amotea 11
Princess 72 Amotea 12
Princess 72 Amotea 13
Princess 72 Amotea 14
Princess 72 Amotea 15
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Princess 72 Amotea

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 3 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 15 persone
ospiti 30 ospiti

Capacità dello yacht

Bevande Bevande

Bevande analcoliche complementari

Acqua Acqua

Acqua complementare

Asciugamani Asciugamani

Asciugamani complementari

Noleggio yacht a Dubai

Amotea Princess è uno yacht lussuoso che ti permetterà di godere di un comfort sofisticato durante il tuo nuoto. Combinando eleganza e funzionalità, questo yacht offre la combinazione perfetta di intrattenimento, rilassamento e spaziosità. Il mazzo dello yacht della principessa Amotea offre spaziosi aree per rilassamento e intrattenimento. Su di esso puoi goderti i

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Recensioni recenti dei clienti

Puoi lasciare una recensione dopo un viaggio in yacht via e-mail. Riceverai un'e-mail con un modulo di revisione.

Cosa è piaciuto agli ospiti che hanno noleggiato questo yacht?

Nikolay Andrianov

Jun - 2023

Recensione verificata

Recently, my family and I spent an unforgettable weekend on the yacht Amotea. The capacity of the yacht is 30 people, and

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Kirill Zotov

Jul - 2023

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I recently spent a vacation on the yacht Amotea, and it was one of the most vivid impressions in my life! The Amotea yacht

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Emilia Larina

Jun - 2023

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I also recently vacationed on the yacht Amotea and was very pleased with my choice. The yacht offers a high level of comfort

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Andrey Timer

Feb - 2023

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Recently I had the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable vacation on the yacht Amotea. I definitely recommend Amotea to anyone

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Eva Koxhevnikova

Mar - 2023

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My vacation on the yacht Amotea was just amazing! I was impressed by the high level of service, professional management and

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Maria Kiseleva

Apr - 2023

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I had a rest on the yacht Amotea - I got a lot of impressions! I recommend it to anyone who appreciates comfort, safety and

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Roman Davydov

May - 2023

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I recently vacationed on the yacht Amotea and had a lot of fun. I really liked the level of service, the comfort of the yacht

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Uliana Egorova

Jun - 2023

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Amotea yacht is an ideal place for those who want to enjoy luxury and comfort against the backdrop of stunning seascapes.

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Veronika Kosheleva

Jul - 2023

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A great vacation on the yacht Amotea! My friends and I spent an unforgettable vacation traveling by sea on this beautiful

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Gleb Volkov

May - 2023

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I recently returned from a trip on the yacht Amotea and would like to share my impressions. The team of professionals was

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Aleksandr Fetisov

May - 2023

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Recently returned from an unforgettable vacation on the yacht Amotea and we want to share our impressions. Everything was

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Roman Kulagin

Aug - 2023

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Vacationed on the yacht Amotea last month. The yacht is clean, well-groomed, it is clear that it is monitored and regularly

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Stefania Zvereva

Jun - 2023

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Another short review on a yacht vacation: Amotea yacht is a great choice for those who want to spend an unforgettable vacation

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Ilya Balashov

Feb - 2023

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Recently, my friends and I were vacationing on the yacht Amotea. Everything was just wonderful - the yacht is very comfortable,

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Emmy Grand

May - 2023

Recensione verificata

Recently, my friends and I spent a great vacation on the yacht Amotea. The yacht is simply magnificent, clean and well maintained,

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Percorsi popolari

Itinerario n.1

3 ore senza nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.2

4 ore con nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.3

7 ore

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3

Prezzi e condizioni

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 3 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

3 ore

4 500 AED

24 ore

36 000 AED

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 11 persone

Popular routes

Route #1

3 hours without swimming and water activities

Route #2

4 hours with swimming and water activities

Route #3

7 hours

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3
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