Whatsapp The best motor yachts in Dubai - hourly yacht charter
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Skipper 42 blu laggiù

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 2 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 15 persone
ospiti 8 ospiti

Capacità dello yacht

Bevande Bevande

Bevande analcoliche complementari

Acqua Acqua

Acqua complementare

Asciugamani Asciugamani

Asciugamani complementari

Ghiaccio Ghiaccio

Ghiaccio complementare

Frutta Frutta

Frutti complementari

Spuntini Spuntini

Snack complementari

Noleggio yacht a Dubai

Benvenuti nello skipper Blue Yonder Skipper 120s Yacht - una nave ideale per coloro che cercano comfort, lusso e indimenticabili impressioni della crociera. Comfort e servizi a bordo: - Spaziose cabine e accoglienti aree ricreative ti permetteranno di rilassarti e goderti le vacanze; - Le finestre panoramiche forniranno una magnifica vista dei paesaggi circostanti; - Un

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Skipper 120s
Anno di costruzione:
50 nodi
Attrezzatura per la pesca del sistema musicale del condizionatore d'aria

Recensioni recenti dei clienti

Puoi lasciare una recensione dopo un viaggio in yacht via e-mail. Riceverai un'e-mail con un modulo di revisione.

Cosa è piaciuto agli ospiti che hanno noleggiato questo yacht?

Fedor Zorin

Oct - 2023

Recensione verificata

My husband and I recently took a cruise on the Blue Yonder yacht and it was one of the most memorable adventures we have

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Lincey May

Jun - 2023

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As party organizers, we are always looking for new and interesting places to hold our events. The Blue Yonder yacht has become

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Helen Brown

Aug - 2023

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Our group of friends recently went to the yacht Blue Yonder to celebrate the birthday of one of our friends. It was just

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Anton Sukhanov

Jan - 2023

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My half and I decided to spend an unforgettable vacation and went on a cruise on the yacht Blue Yonder. It was an amazing

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Sergey Borodin

Apr - 2023

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Our company of several friends decided to go on a cruise on the yacht Blue Yonder to celebrate our common victory. It was

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Oleg Brodsky

Feb - 2023

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As a businessman, I often hold meetings with my partners and clients. Recently I decided to hold such a meeting on the yacht

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Sofia Nekrasova

Feb - 2023

Recensione verificata

My husband and I decided to take our children on a cruise on the Blue Yonder yacht, and it was just wonderful! Entertainment

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Daniela Vetrova

Jan - 2023

Recensione verificata

We, a group of friends, decided to celebrate the upcoming wedding of one of us on the yacht Blue Yonder. The entertainment

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Aleksandr Vinogradov

Jul - 2023

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Our men's company went on a cruise on the yacht Blue Yonder for a bachelor party. We were pleasantly surprised by the level

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Bogdan Krutikov

Aug - 2023

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I recently visited Dubai and decided to try a cruise on the Blue Yonder yacht. I was amazed by the level of comfort and luxury

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Milana Nikitina

Sep - 2023

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I have been living in Dubai for several years and often use the services of the Blue Yonder yacht for my travels. I always

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Andrey Konasov

Sep - 2023

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I came to Dubai on vacation and decided to take a ride on the Blue Yonder yacht. I really liked the interior of the yacht,

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Maria Titova

Oct - 2023

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We recently organized a party on the yacht Blue Yonder and were very pleased with the result. The yacht offers a lot of entertainment

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Olga Kim

Dec - 2022

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My husband and I recently celebrated our wedding on the Blue Yonder yacht and it was an unforgettable day! The yacht offered

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Max Scott

Feb - 2023

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I recently celebrated my birthday on the Blue Yonder yacht, and it was the best gift I've ever received! The yacht offers

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Percorsi popolari

Itinerario n.1

3 ore senza nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.2

4 ore con nuoto e attività acquatiche

Itinerario n.3

7 ore

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3

Prezzi e condizioni

1 ora

1 500 AED
Min 2 ore

IVA esclusa del 5%

2 ore

3 000 AED

24 ore

36 000 AED

ospiti Questo yacht lo stai visualizzando ora: 12 persone

Popular routes

Route #1

3 hours without swimming and water activities

Route #2

4 hours with swimming and water activities

Route #3

7 hours

Itinerari 1
Itinerari 2
Itinerari 3
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