
Международные морские законы: что должен знать каждый яхтсмен

Yachting is not only an exciting hobby, but also a serious responsibility. For safe and legal navigation on the seas and oceans, yachtsmen need to know the basic international maritime laws and regulations. These standards regulate the use of water resources, maritime safety and environmental protection.

In this article, we will look at the key aspects of international maritime laws that every yachtsman should know.

  1. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

One of the main documents regulating international maritime relations is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, adopted in 1982. It defines:

  • Territorial waters: Each State has the right to a 12-mile zone around its shores, where it can establish its own laws and regulations.
  • Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ): Within 200 miles of the coast, the State has the right to use natural resources, including fishing and mining.
  • Sea passages: The Convention regulates the rights of ships to freely pass through international straits.
  1. Safety rules at sea

International Rules for the Prevention of Ship Collisions (COLREGs) These rules are designed to ensure the safe movement of ships and prevent collisions. Yachtsmen should know the basic provisions, including:

  • Traffic lights: How to use the ship’s lights correctly at night. • Priority on the water: Rules that determine which vessel should give way to another.
  • Maneuvering: How to act in various situations, for example, when encountering another vessel or when maneuvering in tight places.

Preparing for swimming

Before going to sea, yachtsmen must undergo safety training, check equipment and make a sailing plan. This includes:

  • Checking the navigation equipment. • Availability of life jackets and other safety equipment.
  • Notification of your route and time of return.
  1. Environmental protection

Modern maritime laws also emphasize the protection of the marine environment. Yachtsmen must comply with the following rules:

  • Prohibition of waste disposal: There are strict rules for the disposal of waste and wastewater at sea.
  • Protection of marine life: Yachtsmen should avoid damage to coral reefs and other ecosystems, as well as comply with fishing restrictions in certain areas.
  1. Vessel registration and licensing

Each vessel must be registered in the relevant country, and yachtsmen must have the necessary licenses to operate the vessel. This includes:

  • Course of study: Many countries require courses in navigation and safety.
  • Yacht registration: Depending on the country of registration, different documents may be required.
  1. International agreements

There are also a number of international agreements that can affect yachtsmen:

  • International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS): Establishes requirements for the safety of ships.
  • International Convention on Fisheries: Regulates fishing in international waters.

Knowledge of international maritime laws is not just a formality for a yachtsman, but an important aspect of safe and responsible sailing. Compliance with these standards will help to avoid trouble, ensure the safety of yourself and others, and protect the unique marine environment. Before sailing, every yachtsman should familiarize himself with the current rules and laws in order to enjoy this exciting hobby without worries.

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