How often do yachts in Dubai undergo maintenance?

Yachts undergo maintenance in accordance with the schedule established by the manufacturer and the company rental company. The frequency of maintenance can vary depending on the age and model of the yacht.

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Breakfast on a yacht in Dubai, how to organize?

When booking a yacht, you can order breakfast from the chef.

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Is there a captain in Dubai?

Yes, I have.

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Can I independently manage a rented yacht in Dubai?

No, this is prohibited by safety rules.

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What insurance is required for yachting in Dubai?

The following types of insurance are required for yachting in Dubai: - Liability insurance: Covers damage caused to third parties. - Hard hat: Covers damage to the yacht itself. - Crew insurance: Covers medical expenses and compensation for crew members. - Property insurance: Covers theft and damage to property on board.

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Need a deposit when renting a yacht in Dubai?

Yes, when renting a yacht, a deposit is usually required.

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How to pay for the rental of yachts in Dubai and does a deposit need a deposit?

You can pay for yacht rental in several ways.

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What address of Anyships?

We are located on the territory of Dubai Harbour Marina.

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What are the rules for children on a yacht in Dubai?

The rules for children on a yacht in Dubai include: - Life jackets: It is mandatory to use life jackets for all children outside the cabin. Especially on the nose during pitching. - Supervision: Constant adult supervision of children, especially when on deck. Ask the crew to keep a close eye on your child. - Training: Familiarize children with safety rules and emergency procedures.

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Are there any age restrictions for yacht passengers?

Yes, our company has a rule.

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How to handle emergencies on a yacht?

To cope with emergencies on the yacht, it is necessary to: Action plan: Have an action plan for various emergencies (fire, leak, loss of a person overboard, etc.). Crew training: Train all crew members to act correctly in emergency situations and conduct training. Use of equipment: Be able to properly use life jackets, rafts, fire extinguishers and first aid kits. Communication: Maintain communication with coastal services and other vessels via VHF radio and satellite communications. Navigation: Quickly determine the location and route to the nearest safe place. What medications should be on board the yacht? There must be a first-aid kit on board the yacht containing the following drugs and remedies: Painkillers and antipyretics: Paracetamol, ibuprofen. Antiseptics: Alcohol wipes, hydrogen peroxide, iodine. Dressings: Sterile bandages, plasters, gauze napkins, elastic bandages. Medicines for seasickness: Dimenhydrinate, meclizine. Antihistamines: For the treatment of allergic reactions (diphenhydramine, loratadine). First aid supplies: Scissors, tweezers, thermometer, disposable gloves. Antibiotics: For the treatment of infections (by prescription).

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