How to confirm booking?

In order to confirm the reservation, enough or full payment, or prepayments of 50%, the remaining 50% are paid upon arrival.

We accept all types of payments:
– cash;
– card or moron card Visa, MasterCard, American Express;
– Crypt.

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What is the Dubai Museum?

The Dubai Museum is located in Al Fahidi Fort, which was built in 1787 and is the oldest building in Dubai. The museum reveals to visitors the history and culture of the region, starting from the pre-Islamic period and ending with modernity. Exhibits include artifacts, traditional houses, tools, and interactive installations showcasing the lives of Bedouins and early traders.

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What applications or tools help you plan yacht routes?

There are several applications and tools that help you plan yacht routes: Navionics: An application for marine navigation with detailed maps and the ability to plan routes. iNavX: A navigation application that supports various map formats and provides tools for route planning. Windy: A weather forecasting application that provides detailed data on winds, waves and other meteorological conditions. MarineTraffic: A real-time vessel tracking application useful for route planning and collision avoidance. PredictWind: A weather forecast app specially designed for yachtsmen, with routing and weather maps functionality.

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How to prepare a yacht for sailing?

Preparing a yacht for sailing includes several key stages: Technical Condition Check: Inspect and check the condition of all yacht systems, including engine, sails, electronics and equipment. Restocking: Stock up on fuel, water, and food in sufficient quantities for the entire trip. Checking life-saving equipment: Make sure that there are enough life jackets, fire extinguishers, first-aid kits and other safety equipment on board. Navigation Equipment Upgrade: Check and update maps, GPS navigators and other navigation devices. Checking weather forecasts: Get up-to-date weather forecasts for the entire route and plan your trip taking into account possible changes in weather conditions. Informing Coastguards: Inform coastguards and loved ones about your route and estimated time of arrival

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What traditional dishes are worth trying in Dubai?

The following traditional dishes are worth trying in Dubai: - Mahbus: A rice dish with meat (lamb, chicken or fish) and spices. - Shawarma: Meat wrapped in pita bread with vegetables and sauce. - Mansaf: A dish of rice with mutton and yogurt sauce. - Hummus: Mashed chickpeas with olive oil, lemon juice and garlic. - - Lukuma: Sweet dough balls fried and drizzled with honey or syrup.

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What means of communication are important on a yacht?

The main means of communication required on the yacht: VHF radios: The main means of communication for short distances and communication with coastal services. Satellite communication: Used for communication on the high seas where there is no mobile network coverage. Mobile phones: Can be used in coastal areas with good coverage. Internet routers: Satellite or mobile routers for Internet access. Epinu: A satellite emergency beacon for transmitting distress signals.

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How to handle emergencies on a yacht?

To cope with emergencies on the yacht, it is necessary to: Action plan: Have an action plan for various emergencies (fire, leak, loss of a person overboard, etc.). Crew training: Train all crew members to act correctly in emergency situations and conduct training. Use of equipment: Be able to properly use life jackets, rafts, fire extinguishers and first aid kits. Communication: Maintain communication with coastal services and other vessels via VHF radio and satellite communications. Navigation: Quickly determine the location and route to the nearest safe place. What medications should be on board the yacht? There must be a first-aid kit on board the yacht containing the following drugs and remedies: Painkillers and antipyretics: Paracetamol, ibuprofen. Antiseptics: Alcohol wipes, hydrogen peroxide, iodine. Dressings: Sterile bandages, plasters, gauze napkins, elastic bandages. Medicines for seasickness: Dimenhydrinate, meclizine. Antihistamines: For the treatment of allergic reactions (diphenhydramine, loratadine). First aid supplies: Scissors, tweezers, thermometer, disposable gloves. Antibiotics: For the treatment of infections (by prescription).

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What basic skills are needed to manage a yacht?

The following basic skills are required to operate a yacht: Navigation: The ability to read nautical charts and use navigation tools such as compasses and GPS. Sail control: Knowledge of the basics of working with sails, if we are talking about a sailing yacht, including setting and cleaning sails, changing courses and controlling the wind. Maneuvering: The ability to maneuver a yacht in confined spaces such as marinas and harbors. Safety: Understanding basic safety rules on board, including the use of life jackets, checking equipment and knowledge of emergency procedures. Meteorology: The basics of weather forecasting and understanding how weather conditions affect swimming. Communication: The ability to use radio communication and other means of communication to maintain contact with coastal services and other vessels.

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What areas are prohibited for yachting in Dubai?

Prohibited areas for yachting in Dubai include: - Military zones: Areas where military facilities are located. - Nature protection zones: Territories protected for the conservation of the marine ecosystem. - Certain areas of Dubai Creek: Some areas of Dubai Creek are restricted to yachts. - - water intake areas at Blue waters

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Can I come in advance to a rented yacht in Dubai to set the scenery for my holiday?

Yes, we provide our guests with this opportunity.

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Dinner on a yacht in Dubai, how to organize?

When booking a yacht, you can order dinner on board.

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