What is the history of yachting?

The history of yachting goes back to ancient times, when people began to use sailing ships for fishing, trade and military purposes.
Ancient times: The first sailing ships appeared in Ancient Egypt around 4000 BC
. Middle Ages: Vikings and other navigators used sailing ships to explore and conquer new territories.
XVII century: The term “yacht” (from the Dutch “jacht”) became popular when the Dutch began using small fast ships to transport dignitaries.
XVIII-XIX centuries: Yachts became popular among the European nobility, who used them for entertainment and racing. The first registered yacht race took place in 1661 in England.
XX century: Yachting became a mass hobby, yacht clubs and international competitions appeared. In the 1950s, the first round-the-world single regatta was held.
Modernity: Modern technologies and materials have made yachts more accessible and comfortable. Yachting continues to develop, attracting new enthusiasts and offering a variety of recreational and sports opportunities.

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What entertainments are available on board yachts?

On board, yachts from entertainment are available: bathing on the open sea, fishing, water skis, skating on a banana or a tablet.

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When is the best time to visit Dubai?

The best time to visit Dubai is from November to March, when the air temperature is more comfortable and is about 25-30 °C. At this time, Dubai hosts many cultural and sports events, as well as beaches and other tourist facilities.

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How to choose a yacht for rent in Dubai?

When choosing a yacht for rent in Dubai, the following factors should be taken into account.

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What basic skills are needed to manage a yacht?

The following basic skills are required to operate a yacht: Navigation: The ability to read nautical charts and use navigation tools such as compasses and GPS. Sail control: Knowledge of the basics of working with sails, if we are talking about a sailing yacht, including setting and cleaning sails, changing courses and controlling the wind. Maneuvering: The ability to maneuver a yacht in confined spaces such as marinas and harbors. Safety: Understanding basic safety rules on board, including the use of life jackets, checking equipment and knowledge of emergency procedures. Meteorology: The basics of weather forecasting and understanding how weather conditions affect swimming. Communication: The ability to use radio communication and other means of communication to maintain contact with coastal services and other vessels.

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What are the alcohol restrictions on yachts in Dubai?

Alcohol restrictions on yachts in Dubai include: - Age limit: The minimum age for alcohol consumption is 21 years. - Amount of alcohol per person: no more than 250 ml of strong alcohol and 500 ml of weak alcohol per person are allowed. If guests want to take more on board, they may be refused, as a large amount of alcohol can lead to severe intoxication. And it may not be safe for guests.

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Is there a fishing on a yacht in Dubai?

Yes, we have options for yachts on which you can catch fish.

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What water sports can you try on a yacht in Dubai?

You can try the following water sports on a yacht in Dubai: - Wakeboarding: Glide through the water on a special board towed behind the yacht. - Kitesurfing: Using a kite to glide through the water. - Water skiing: Skiing towed behind a yacht. - Snorkeling: Exploring the underwater world with a mask and snorkel. - Diving: Scuba diving to explore marine life.

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Dinner on a yacht in Dubai, how to organize?

When booking a yacht, you can order dinner on board.

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Is it possible to organize yacht lease with a captain in Dubai?

Yes, when booking behind each yacht, his staff and captain are assigned.

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Is it necessary to come to the yacht in advance?

For successful registration, you should come 20-30 minutes

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