Do you provide yacht rental services for corporate events and teambuilding?

Of course, we are ready to provide you with the opportunity to organize a timbilding or corporate party on the water with your customers and employees. We are ready to adapt our services to your individual requirements.

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How to cancel the reservation of a yacht in Dubai without penalties

Yes, to cancel the reservation for free, it is important to do this 72 hours before the flight.

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Are there any discounts for Anyships regular customers?

Yes, for all regular customers we have a 10%discount.

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What is the difference between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht?

The main difference between a motor yacht and a sailing yacht is the method of transportation: - Motor yachts use the engine to move. They are usually faster and require less physical effort to control. - Sailing yachts use wind and sails. They may be slower, but they provide a more traditional and environmentally friendly way of getting around. In addition, motor yachts usually have more room for equipment and can be more luxurious, while sailing yachts offer a unique experience and are often preferred for sports yachting.

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What is the maximum capacity of yachts available for rent in Dubai?

The largest capacity, about 200 people.

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Dubai: What to see?

During the boat, you will see the famous Burj al-Arab Hotel, which is one of the highest buildings in the world.

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How to dress in Dubai?

In Dubai, it is recommended to dress respectfully, taking into account local traditions and culture: - Men: Shorts and T-shirts are suitable for casual wear, but in public places and especially in business areas it is better to wear long trousers and shirts. - Women: It is recommended to wear clothes that cover the shoulders and knees. Swimwear and beachwear are allowed in tourist areas and on beaches, but outside of these areas it is better to choose more closed clothes. - Mosques and religious sites: Long sleeves and long trousers or skirts are required to visit mosques. Women need to cover their heads with a scarf or shawl.

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What documents are needed to purchase a yacht?

To purchase a yacht, the following documents must be prepared: Purchase and sale agreement: Confirms the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. Registration documents: Confirm the registration of the yacht in the relevant maritime register. Seaworthiness Certificate: Confirms that the yacht has passed all necessary checks and meets safety standards. Insurance policy: Provides insurance coverage for the yacht in case of various incidents. Documents of origin: Confirm that the yacht has no debts and does not participate in court proceedings.

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What are the rules for children on a yacht in Dubai?

The rules for children on a yacht in Dubai include: - Life jackets: It is mandatory to use life jackets for all children outside the cabin. Especially on the nose during pitching. - Supervision: Constant adult supervision of children, especially when on deck. Ask the crew to keep a close eye on your child. - Training: Familiarize children with safety rules and emergency procedures.

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What services do marinas provide in Dubai?

Marinas in Dubai provide the following services: - Berths: Yacht mooring and storage services. - Fuel: Refueling. - Amenities: Showers, toilets, restaurants and bars.

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What are the rules of conduct on a yacht in Dubai?

The rules of conduct on a yacht in Dubai include: - Safety: Use life jackets and follow safety rules. - Respect: Show respect to the crew and other passengers. - Alcohol: Alcohol consumption is allowed only on board and in licensed locations. - Cleanliness: Keep clean on board, do not throw garbage overboard. - Dress code: Follow the dress code if specified.

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