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How to get a good tan in Dubai and not burn?

To get a good tan and not burn on a yacht in Dubai, several rules should be followed:

  • Start sunbathing gradually. Do not spend too much time in the sun on the first day.
  • Use sunscreen with a high protection factor (at least SPF 30). Apply the cream to the skin 20-30 minutes before the sun exit and update it every 2 hours or after bathing.
  • Wear clothes that protect the skin from the sun. It can be light cotton clothes or special sunglasses for yachts.
  • Do not forget about hats. They will help protect your head from overheating and sunburn.
  • Drink enough water. Water helps maintain hydration of the body and prevents dehydration.
  • Follow your well -being. If you feel fatigue, dizziness or pain, it is better to leave the sun and relax in the shade.

Read more about tanning in our article

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